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ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
السلام عليكم احبابي في الفطاحله
بما اني ضد احتكار الشركات الكبيره للبرامج الضروريه و غلاء اسعارها و صعوبه شروط الشركات المصدره قررت بعون الله ان اتحداهم وامنع استغلالهم لحاجات الناس :D لذلك ........ ابشروا باي سيريال او كراكر او اي برنامج تتمنونه او تحتاجونه بشكل دائم او مؤقت :cool: اطلبوا واتمنوا لكن ارجو وضع اسم البرنامج ووضع رقم الاصدار دائما وباذن الله يكون بين ايديكم باسرع وقت هواااااااااااااااااااااااااااا :D تحياتي لكم |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
بارك الله فيك
فهي شركات يهوديه امريكية تستنزف المسلم في كل حركة يقوم بها في حياته اليومية فشكرا لك اقترح جمع البرامج الأكثر أهمية والتي يحتاجها الأعضاء مع توخي الحذر من المواقع الموبؤه وعدم اضافة روابطها حتى لايحمل العضو منها فتدمر جهازه تحياتي الطيبة |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
يا هلا بك يالمهاجر
ابشر باذن الله يكون شغلي عند حسن ظن الجميع وباذن الله جميع الروابط مؤمنه و سليمه واذا في اي مشكله تاكد انها بتكون غير مقصوده و غير متوقعه من طرفي الامر لا يخلوااااا و اقولها للامانه فقط لا غير لكني باذن الله لن اخيب امالكم واغلب السيريلات و البرامج شغل يدي انا ماهي من مواقع تانيه الا اذا كانت غير موجوده لدي :) |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
كل الشكر لك الرائعة العيناء على هذه البادرة السباقة والتي تستدعي جهد ولكن
على قدر اهل العزم تأتي العزائم =وتأتي على قدر الكرام المكارم اطالب بتثبيت الموضوع |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
مشكووور ماجد
باذن الله اكون قدها لَـكَ الحَـمدُ فـى الـدُرِّ الَّـذي لِيَ لَفظُهُ فـــإِنَّكَ مُعطيــه وإنِّــيَ نــاظِمُ وإِنِّـى لَتَعـدو بـي عَطايـاكَ في الوَغى فَــلا أَنــا مَذمُـومٌ ولا أَنـتَ نـادِمُ تقبل تحياتي |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
ياجماعه يعني ماحد محتاج ولا برنامج ولا اي شي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ :eek::eek:
معقوله ؟؟؟؟؟ :eek: انا ما اقدر انزل برامج الا بطلب قاللي يبغاله اي برنامج او سيرييال حق برنامج يقول :) |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
الجميع يبي برامج بسيريالاتها
لذلك اقترح وضع رابط لكل برنامج من موقعه الأصلي او موقع داون لود ثم وضع السيريال المضمون انه يشغله لو تكون البداية على برامج الحماية / سيكيورتي / مضاد فيروسات/ مضاد سبايويرز / وتروجانات ثم برامج التصاميم ، مثل الفوتوشوب والبرش شوب ...الخ .. برامج الصوت مثل الريل بلير الكامل برامج التحميل مثل انترنت داوون لود منجر وكل برنامج معه السيريال حقه ولو كل واحد مننا حط ما عنده في جهازه من برامج مع سيريالاتها كان صار عندنا ثروة من البرامج المضمونه . شكرا لك مع أطيب تحياتي |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
برامج حمايه للكمبيوتر
[url]http://www.fatahilah.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=342540[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
[quote=الطائر المهاجر;341232]الجميع يبي برامج بسيريالاتها
لذلك اقترح وضع رابط لكل برنامج من موقعه الأصلي او موقع داون لود ثم وضع السيريال المضمون انه يشغله ...................................................... شكرا لك مع أطيب تحياتي[/quote] ابشـــــــــــــــــــــــــر فديتك :) |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
برامج حمايه
[url]http://www.fatahilah.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=356[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
انتي سباي
[url]http://www.fatahilah.com/showthread.php?p=342577#post342577[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
جدران حمايه
من هنا >>>>>>>>> [url]http://www.fatahilah.com/showthread.php?p=342582#post342582[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
جار حمايه من هنا ايضا >>>>> [url]http://www.fatahilah.com/showthread.php?p=342582#post342582[/url]
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
والله تعبت اليوم :(
خلوا الباقي باكر .......... !!!!!!! لكن المهم ان الاجهزه حقتكم تمام مع هذي البرامج باذن الله :) :) وربنا يهدينا جميعا الى ماهو خير و لما فيه سواء السبيل الى اللقاء |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
يعطيك العافيه بصراحه مجهود تشكرين عليه لا هنتي ياغاليه احترامي |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
يا مليون هلا يالعتيبي
ربنا يعافيك و يرضى عليك اذا عندك اقتراح لاي برنامج بالاسم قوله |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
[B][COLOR="Blue"]طيب انا حملت برنامج الحماية
Avast Home Edition 4.7.1098 وبعد ماحملته اسوي له تثبيت عادي والا يحتاج الى ارقام سيريال لاني ماعندي خلفية ابد بالبرامج الاخ (( ميح ))[/COLOR][/B] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
ثبته عادي يا خوي
وما حيطلب سيريال لكن يمكن يطلب تسجيل و تقدر تسجله و انت متطمن وارجو لك استخدام ممتع و استفاده كامله اختك "ميحه" :) :) |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
استعنت على الشقاء بالله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< تطق اصابعها و تاخذ نفس عمييــــــــــــــــــــق عشان برنامج الـ .... FOTOSHOP هذه توابع لبنامج الفوتو شوب يعني تقدروا تنزلوه او اذا عنكم تحملوا اي اضافه من اللي موجودين تحت واذا في شي ناقص او يحتاج سيريال ............. زي العاده قولولي :) :) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> تكرهه جننها اولا رابط التحميل MISTER RETRO Code: [url]www.misterretro.com[/url] Machine Wash I Formerly a set of Photoshop actions, Machine Wash has been completely re-written as a plug-in filter set for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. With Machine Wash Vol. I Image Filters, you can finally create professional quality image aging and weathering effects! This closely guarded secret of the apparel industry can now be yours! Protected Message: Code: [url]http://lix.in/97b451[/url] [url]http://lix.in/c8265c[/url] [url]http://lix.in/02e2d7[/url] Machine Wash II Formerly a set of Photoshop actions, Machine Wash has been completely re-written as a plug-in filter set for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Create even more professional quality image aging and weathering effects with our Machine Wash II Image Filters! 60 new filters to compliment the original Machine Wash Filter Collection. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/27996647/Machine_Wash_Volume_II_v2.0.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/27999189/Machine_Wash_Volume_II_v2.0.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28000839/Machine_Wash_Volume_II_v2.0.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28001388/Machine_Wash_Volume_II_v2.0.part4.rar[/url] Machine Wash III Formerly a set of Photoshop actions, Machine Wash has been completely re-written as a plug-in filter set for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Introducing even more professional quality image weathering and tactile effects with Machine Wash III Image Filters! 60 amazing new filters to compliment the Machine Wash Filter Collection. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28008797/Machine_Wash_Volume_III_v2.0.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28013257/Machine_Wash_Volume_III_v2.0.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28017402/Machine_Wash_Volume_III_v2.0.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/28023024/Machine_Wash_Volume_III_v2.0.part4.rar[/url] All of the volumes (I, II, III) Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www10.nakido.com:6666/F691DF5945706C442F546BE254C43B7828A358B9/rlesko+ASTA.rar?attach=1[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
AUTO FX Code: [url]www.autofx.com[/url] DreamSuite Series Bundle - One, Two and Gel One DreamSuite Series One is a suite of powerful visual effects that allow anyone, professionals or novices alike, to create beautiful images and artwork. DreamSuite lets you achieve visual results that are difficult or impossible to attain using any other software. DreamSuite includes a stand-alone imaging application as well as a plug-in that works with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo Paint, and Corel Draw. Two DreamSuite Series Two is a powerful collection of 14 unique visual effects for enhancing photographs. Series Two offers a wide diversity of visual options to make any photo you have more distinctive. DreamSuite includes a stand-alone imaging application as well as a plug-in that works with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo Paint, and Corel Draw. Gel DreamSuite Gel is a fun special effects suite that can add vibrant, translucent depth effects to your artwork. With Gel you can generate stunning print and web graphics with ease. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XJLPALWY[/url] OR [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?3gddlm25nbg[/url] OR [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/11341195/Bundle.rar[/url] Pass(only for rapidshare link): [url]www.softarchive.net[/url] PhotoGraphic Edges 6 Photo/Graphic Edges 6.0 is a suite of 14 photographic effects that empower anyone, regardless of experience, to give images a unique, artistic look. By giving your images shape and dimension you can add interest and appeal to your work. This new version of Photo/Graphic Edges includes dozens of new features and effects. PGE 6 includes SmartLayers (tm), Visual Layer Presets, Brush Effects, Unlimited Undo and lots of new creative content. Photo/Graphic Edges 6.0 includes a stand-alone imaging application as well as a plug-in that works with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo Paint, and Corel Draw. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/users/9FL5FT[/url] Mystical Lighting Mystical Lighting lets anyone apply photo-realistic lighting and shading effects to digital images. With this software you can enhance the ambiance of your images and improve its beauty. Mystical Lighting includes 16 visual effects, over 400 presets for instant results and an infinite variety of looks. Mystical Lighting also includes powerful features such as layers, unlimited undo's, visual presets, masking and dynamic effect controls that make exploring and applying effects very fun and easy to achieve studio quality results. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=REVBT0DX[/url] OR [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?ezdzown24i2[/url] Mystical Tint Tone and Color Mystical Tint Tone and Color is a suite of 38 color effects that are both easy to use and provide you with professional results in seconds. The effects are applied by brushing on or removing the effect from the desired area. Mystical Tint Tone and Color provides the professional an efficient workflow for combining multiple editing steps into a simple dynamic interface with unlimited undo and redo, layers, visual presets and a robust set of tools. Mystical Tint Tone and Color includes a stand-alone imaging application as well as a plug-in that works with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo Paint, and Corel Draw. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/23888922/AutoFX.Mystical.Tint.Tone._.Color.v1.02.rar[/url] OR [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?2wnzyz3z90g[/url] AutoEye AutoEye 2.0 was created to automatically improve digital images by rebuilding color detail, sharpness and image vibrancy. AutoEye uses a totally different set of adjustment methods than Photoshop or other image editing applications. AutoEye does not use standard curves and histograms to adjust images on a global basis within the RGB or CMYK color space. AutoEye's unique methods result in image enhancements that are easier to attain and yield a higher quality result. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/5436930/afxeye2.11.rar[/url] OR [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?a90qumi0txs[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< طلعت روحها من الفوتو شوب :) :) ALIEN SKIN Code: [url]www.alienskin.com/[/url] Alien.Skin.Blow.Up.v1.0 BlowUp offers the highest quality image resizing available, better than bicubic interpolation and any other third party solution. BlowUp makes advanced image scaling easy, preserves smooth, crisp edges and lines, and creates four times (1600% area) enlargements from any image without jagged artifacts or halos. In some cases, BlowUp can enlarge up to six times (3600% area) without obvious artifacts. BlowUp includes advanced features such as photo grain controls, enlargement-specific sharpening, and support for most image modes, including CMYK. BlowUp also supports 16- and 32-bit images and is optimized for multi-core and multi-processor systems. These features make BlowUp perfect for a professional photographer creating gallery prints from digital photos, as well as an amateur photographer creating a poster from a favorite snapshot. Graphic designers can now easily scale Web graphics up to print resolution or rescale everyday images for large format printing and outdoor advertising. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?9mmxjzomczx[/url] Alien.Skin.Exposure.v1.0 Exposure brings the look and feel of film to digital photography. Simulate the warmth and softness of real world film, both color and black and white. Reproduce realistic film grain, and simplify your digital photography workflow. You can now digitally simulate the vivid colors of Velvia(r), the rich blacks of Kodachrome(r), the sensitivity of Ektachrome(r), and the characteristics of dozens of other film stocks. Exposure also models the size, shape, and color of real world film grain. Use this level of subtle reproduction to simulate the distinct looks of films such as Ilford(r) 3200 Delta and long discontinued Ektachrome EES and GAF(r) 500. Exposure simplifies your workflow, collecting color, dynamic range, softness, and grain controls in one plug-in. Correct a colorcast, soften a digital portrait, and tweak contrast with one, easy-to-use tool. Or define your signature look and save it as a one-click effect. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?4vjxgznmjnr[/url] Extra presets: Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?3j9jjxb24cx[/url] Exposure 2 Exposure 2 is the new, even more feature-packed version of our award-winning Photoshop plug-in that gives digital photographs the look and feel of film. Whether you’re a fashion or wedding photographer, a designer or art director, with Exposure 2 you’ll have one-click access to the broadest range of film stocks and special effects settings available in any software package. That’s why Exposure 2 is the closest thing to film since film. Pick a film, any film. When it comes to the variety of films you can simulate, Exposure 2 has no peer. You can match the look of popular film stocks like Portra®, Velvia®, Kodachrome®, Polaroid®, and TRI-X®. We’ve even saved some films from extinction in Exposure 2, like Agfa® Scala®, GAF® 500, and Kodak® EES. It all comes down to grain. Exposure 2 gives you the most realistic grain on the market, now with even more control over sharpness, color variation, and intensity throughout the tonal range. And since Exposure 2’s grain size automatically adjusts to your image size, you get consistent results across all of your cameras. More effective effects. With over 300 presets, Exposure 2 has even more special effects settings than before, including push and cross processing, a vastly improved infrared simulator, and sophisticated color to black and white conversion. So easy to use. Exposure 2 simplifies your workflow by collecting color, dynamic range, softness, and grain control into one easy-to-use plug-in. Correct a colorcast, soften a digital portrait, or tweak contrast with our powerful slider and curve controls. Or even define your signature look and save it as a one-click effect. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/59218166/ase.zip[/url] OR [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?dlb3jm2xepk[/url] Alien.Skin.Eye.Candy.Impact.v5.1 Eye Candy 5: Impact, is a collection of ten Photoshop filters which create chrome, brushed metal, glass, bevels, shadows, reflections and more. Impact offers beautifully rendered effects that any novice or professional designer will appreciate. Impact includes three all-new filters. Backlight projects dramatic light beam and spotlight effects. Brushed Metal simulates textured metal surfaces such as brushed aluminum and polished brass. Extrude gives 2D objects a classic 3-D look, adding thickness and perspective. In addition, Impact refines seven classic effects that made Eye Candy famous. Embossing effects now include surface textures and more bevel shapes. Gel, glass, chrome and liquid metal effects now showcase a wide variety of vibrant reflections. Impact includes over 200 presets for frequently used effects; you can find the perfect effect quickly. The improved settings management system makes it easy to browse, share and collect new settings. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?02fwwwkm1bm[/url] Alien.Skin.Eye.Candy.Nature.v5.1 Eye Candy 5: Nature, is a collection of ten Photoshop filters, which create fire, smoke, rust, snow, ice and more. Nature offers beautifully rendered effects that any novice or professional designer will appreciate. Nature includes four new filters and reincarnates six Eye Candy classics. The classic filters boast brand-new looks, greater realism, and improved ease-of-use. For example, select filters can create a new layer and render effects to it; this allows you to view, edit, or turn off these effects without modifying the original layer. Nature includes over 500 presets for frequently used effects; you can find the perfect effect quickly. The improved settings management system makes it easy to browse, share and collect new settings. Nature also works with 16-bit images. Color transitions are smoother, with less banding. Print documents reproduce colors more accurately. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?50bnlj3jp20[/url] Alien.Skin.Eye.Candy.Textures.v5.1 Eye Candy® 5: Textures is a collection of ten seamless texture generators. Textures produces a wide variety of texture effects, including snake and lizard skin, fur, brick, stone and wood. Graphic designers, Web developers and 3D artists can quickly create backgrounds, skins, seamless tiles and more. Relying on the contents of a stock texture library limits creativity. Textures creates a limitless variety of photo-realistic surfaces for $99, the cost of a stock CD. And, because every filter has a seamless tile option, tiling is quick and easy. Textures includes settings for over 200 frequently used effects. A new settings system makes it easy to explore these effects. The ability to save and export makes sharing settings a snap. Textures works with 16-bit images and does not compromise expanded color depth. Color transitions are smoother and print documents reproduce colors more accurately. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?7ngnnbgds9e[/url] Extra presets: Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?4pdti1picmm[/url] Alien.Skin.Image.Doctor.v1.0 Image DoctorTM is an all new set of powerful image-correction filters for Photoshop®, Fireworks®, Paint Shop Pro®, and other image editors. Image Doctor magically removes blemishes and defects, quickly repairs over-compressed JPEGs, and seamlessly replaces unwanted details and objects. Professional and amateur photographers, photo editors, archivists, graphic designers and Web designers can more quickly fix their images with Image Doctor. Image Doctor delivers these effects in a clean, easy-to-use interface. Users can tweak their effects in a huge preview that includes a before/after toggle, command menus, keyboard shortcuts, and unlimited undo capability. Image Doctor is the only filter set to offer selection-based image repair. Use the familiar selection tools of your image editor, then correct large as well as small areas in one pass. The intelligent pattern matching of Image Doctor makes it the perfect complement to existing photo-editing tools. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?7mzketnmjzz[/url] Alien.Skin.Image.Doctor.v2.0 Image Doctor renders seamless removals of unsightly blemishes and objects. It enables photo editors to de-clutter bad photographic compositions with just a few clicks of a mouse. Web designers, service bureaus, and hobbyists can restore and repurpose badly compressed JPEGs, including cell phone photos. Portrait photographers can use Image Doctor as digital makeup, removing pimples, moles, scars, and tattoos in one click. Photographers can then soften skin areas where these blemishes were or fix oily patches of skin. Hobbyists and professionals can use Image Doctor to restore old photos by removing dust and scratches. Image Doctor 2 offers a number of improvements to the original release. Chief among these improvements is Image Doctor 2’s rendering speed and quality. Image Doctor 2 now offers more seamless integration of replacement pixels with the existing background so that the edges of repaired areas now more smoothly blend with the balance of the photo. The software also is improved in its ability to match the patterns of the existing background. Image Doctor 2’s JPEG Repair offers higher quality fixes of JPEG compression. Image Doctor 2’s range of skin retouching capabilities has also been expanded. The software’s Skin Softener and Blemish Concealer filters together offer a wider array of skin beautifying capabilities, including wrinkle softening and blemish removal. The performance upgrades in Image Doctor 2 result from changes to the original rendering algorithms and to the program’s multithreading capacity. Other new improvements in Image Doctor 2 include 16-bit support, native support for Macintosh Intel computers, multiprocessor support, and a variety of user interface changes. Image Doctor 2’s user interface has been simplified and made easier to use. The Smart Fill filter now offers an automatic mode that can be used when the source texture location is not important. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?4ny5itaycq3[/url] Alien.Skin.Snap.Art.v1.0 Snap Art creates beautiful, natural media artwork in a single step. Render any image in an unlimited variety of real-world art styles including oil paint, pencil sketch, pen & ink, comics, and more. Great for stylizing photos or graphics, Snap Art works without laborious hand editing and is more versatile than Actions or brushes. Conventional artists often use an underdrawing to outline key objects within a composition. This lightly drawn sketch serves as a guide and is usually painted or drawn over in the final composition. Similarly, Snap Art uses edge detection to discern the objects, edges, lines, and shapes of an original image. Then, using this outline, an advanced paint engine strokes and fills this outline using the brushes and colors you specify. This allows realistic reproduction of detail, but balances that realism with convincing artistry. Loaded with hundreds of settings, Snap Art distills this complicated process down to a single step. Simply find the factory setting that works for your image. And for the advanced user, detailed controls are available to fine tune a composition for the desired effect. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?6kzmeynhmtm[/url] Extra presets: Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?90y1m4h1zmm[/url] Alien.Skin.Xenofex.v2.12 Xenofex 2 delivers 14 more phenomenal effects for Web designers, graphic artists, digital photographers, and special effects enthusiasts. With Xenofex 2, simulate spectacular natural phenomena such as lightning and clouds. Create striking images and text using sophisticated distortions such as Flag, Television, and the brand new Rip Open. Transform your photos into jigsaw puzzles, constellations, and intricate mosaics with a single click. Plus, presets put hundreds of quick and easy effects at your fingertips. With the familiar, uncluttered interface of Eye Candy 4000, Xenofex 2 is better than ever. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?4nmytl31mnb[/url] Splat Splat! is a powerful, new filter set for Adobe Photoshop and other graphics programs. Easy to use and versatile, Splat! combines frames, textures, edges, borders, mosaics and more with the award-winning interface of Eye Candy 4000 in an all-new, affordable plug-in. Digital photographers, graphic designers, Web monkeys and digital artists can set their images apart using the stunning effects of Splat! Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?1nz7s5cdgpn[/url] Extra tubes: Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?8f9cgmmwmqn[/url] Eye.Candy.4000 Eye Candy 4000 is a collection of 23 time-saving filters that will fortify any user's creativity. Eye Candy is the only filter set on the market that combines practical effects like shadows, bevels and glows with stunning effects like Chrome, Fire, Smoke and Wood. This easy-to-use set is consistently ranked one of the top-selling graphics plug-ins in the world. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?evzxyxnpc4n[/url] Black.Box Old version of Eye Candy. Has most of the features and different interface. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?dtf33guxtmt[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
اهيء ........ اهيئ ............ اهيئ ............ AV BROS. Code: [url]www.avbros.com[/url] Page Curl Pro 2.2 AV Bros. Page Curl Pro 2.2 is the filter plug-in (8bf) for Adobe® Photoshop® and compatible hosts. This plug-in has the ALL NEW and unrivalled engine that lets you not only bend the image, using two types of bending (curling and folding), but also texturize it (using the bump maps), orient it in 3D space (including the perspective distortions) and obtain total control over the process of lighting the image (including the option of dropping inner shadows). We consider AV Bros. Page Curl Pro 2.2 as the multi-purpose plug-in that may be used not only as the page bender, but also as the Texturizer, Lighting lab, etc. The User Interface of AV Bros. Page Curl Pro 2.2 is extremely convenient and has some unique features that make your work with the plug-in both very efficient and pleasant at the same time. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?5ynqdbjqr1m[/url] Puzzle Pro 2.2 AV Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.2 is an extremely high quality, powerful and flexible filter plug-in (8bf) for Adobe® Photoshop® and compatible hosts. Puzzle Pro 2.2 greatly increases your creativity and productivity and thanks to both the superb engine and the convenient graphic user interface it gives you absolute control over the process of creating the desired effect. And although AV Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.2 is targeted to help you create a jig-saw puzzle effect, it also produces a plethora of various high quality image effects. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/34526550/AV.Bros.Puzzle.Pro.v2.2.4.Pshop.rar[/url] Next four files are scripts, not plugins, but are very useful. These are free but I put them here so that it's a collection: Circumscriber 1.1 AV Bros. Circumscriber 1.1 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher. Our script is completely free and is targeted to help you quickly and easily circumscribe a circle (as the selection) around either two (2) or three (3) specified points. Despite the simplicity of AV Bros. Circumscriber 1.1, it provides several possibilities that make the utility useful and a very good timesaver. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://downloads.avbros.com/avcircumscriber1.1.zip[/url] Collector 1.0 AV Bros. Collector 1.0 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher. This, completely free, script is targeted to help you quickly and easily collect various documents into a single Adobe Photoshop multi-layered document. (Each document is placed on a separate layer.) The utility is a very good timesaver. Moreover, despite the fact that AV Bros. Collector 1.0 is a simple script, it provides several possibilities that make the utility truly useful. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://downloads.avbros.com/avcollector1.0.zip[/url] The next two scripts are not free: Draftsman 1.2 AV Bros. Draftsman 1.2 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher. Using this script you can quickly and easily create a constant and/or variable repetitious linear structure (grid) that consists of either vertical and/or horizontal lines. The grid is created as the selection. We believe that one of the most boring and time-wasting of Photoshop's routines (preparing the various grids) has become easy and fast, as it has never been before, thanks to our utility's convenient user interface and the plethora of adjustments. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?foyggv5cpdl[/url] GuideMaster 1.2 AV Bros. GuideMaster 1.2 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher. The script is targeted to help you quickly and easily create the desired guides' layout or, in other words, to place the guides in the desired places. Thanks to the plethora of adjustments and the utility's convenient user interface, one of the most boring and time wasting of Photoshop's routines (the placing of a large number of guides in the appropriate places) has become easy and fast as it has never been before. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?d4bz02wgmty[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
ربنا ينهيها على خير VERTUS Code: [url]www.vertustech.com[/url] Fluid Mask v2.0.3 Fluid Mask 2 is designed for photographers, image editors, graphic designers and all those who take digital image editing seriously. In a streamlined interface and workflow, Fluid Mask 2 instantly shows key edges in the image and provides comprehensive easy to use tools that work with difficult-to-see edges and tricky areas like trees & lattices. Fluid Mask promises: Fastest masking available today - from loading to final cut-out. Turn hours of tedious work into something that's short to complete and fun to do... The best edge cutting technology available. Quick and easy to pick up, Fluid Mask 2 offers an intuitive workflow. Check out the edge guides that makes selecting the cut-out as easy as coloring by numbers and the always visible interactive help. Amazing edge quality. Always thought the pen tool makes cut-outs look a bit too artificial and clean? Now Fluid Mask 2 takes blending to a new level by preserving the edge data. In the final result, natural edge blur and contour is preserved for the best, most authentic cut-outs ever. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/25449664/Plug-In.rar.html[/url] Fluid Mask 3 New Features in V3: Highlight new key features are: Localized edge detection and blending – for faster workflow Faster initial image processing – up to 40% bullet Better edge blending bullet New look application – full screen / no desktop visible bullet Localize problem areas for greater workflow enhancement bullet Great new tools for fine mask selections bullet Best of breed Help – now there’s an innovative in-application Tool Tips box with links to application based xml help files and tutorials Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/54131755/VERTUS_FLUID_MASK_V3.0.2by_shanu.rar[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
FILTER FORGE Code: [url]www.filterforge.com[/url] Filter Forge On the surface, Filter Forge is just a Photoshop plugin, a pack of filters that generate textures, create visual effects, enhance photos, process images. However, there are 3 things that make Filter Forge unique: You can create your own filters. Filter Forge comes with a visual node-based editor allowing you to create your own filters – textures, effects, distortions, backgrounds, frames, you name it. All filters automatically support 16- and 32-bit modes in Photoshop, real-world HDRI lighting, bump and normal maps, huge resolutions and seamless tiling. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.filterforge.com/download/Filter%20Forge%20Setup.exe[/url] License name: MAURICE COWLEY License key: LELZ-5VT3-8UY5-SU8V |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
FILTER FORGE Code: [url]www.filterforge.com[/url] Filter Forge On the surface, Filter Forge is just a Photoshop plugin, a pack of filters that generate textures, create visual effects, enhance photos, process images. However, there are 3 things that make Filter Forge unique: You can create your own filters. Filter Forge comes with a visual node-based editor allowing you to create your own filters – textures, effects, distortions, backgrounds, frames, you name it. All filters automatically support 16- and 32-bit modes in Photoshop, real-world HDRI lighting, bump and normal maps, huge resolutions and seamless tiling. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.filterforge.com/download/Filter%20Forge%20Setup.exe[/url] License name: MAURICE COWLEY License key: LELZ-5VT3-8UY5-SU8V |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
ONONE SOFTWARE Code: [url]www.ononesoftware.com[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
Genuine Fractals PrintPro v.5.0.3 التحميل [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/47768986/onOne.Genuine.Fractals.PrintPro.v.5.0.3.rar.html[/url] OR [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1433411[/url] Mask Pro 4.1 [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/47595034/Mask.Pro.v4.1.1.rar[/url] Intellihance Pro 4.2 Intellihance Pro 4.2 Update Available [url]http://www.rslp.uni.cc/download.php?47462434&intellihancepro.rar[/url] OR [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1420803[/url] PhotoFrame Pro 3.1 [url]http://ononesoft.cachefly.net/photoframepro/trial/PhotoFramePro_3.1_Demo.exe[/url] Licence: PFXE-0300-0100-3085-6384-53014 l Protected Message: Complete: [url]http://rapidshare.com/users/2OE7MK[/url] l PhotoTune 2.2 [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/55492224/fo-pt22.zip[/url] PhotoTools 1 Professional Edition [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/70297204/1-1phototoll.zip[/url] OR [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/2397081[/url] OR [url]http://www.filefactory.com/file/56a26c/[/url] |
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ياسلام عليك
مجهود أكثر من رائع وبرامج متعوب عليها الف الف شكر يالغالية تحياتي الطيبة |
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ربي يحفظك و يخليك لنا يارب
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
IMAGENOMIC Code: [url]www.imagenomic.com[/url] Noiseware Noiseware is the highly-acclaimed, award-winning software tool from Imagenomic that is setting the standard for digital image noise reduction. Noiseware leads the field for speed, quality and ease-of-use in restoring image fidelity by eliminating digital noise and unwanted artifacts introduced by high ISO photography and less than optimal environmental conditions Noiseware Plug-in Features - Automatic and Manual noise profiling - Self-learning noise profiles - Bracketing and Multiple previews - Available for Windows and Mac OS X Noiseware Standalone Features - Automatic noise profiling - Self-learning noise profiles - Batch processing - Save as 48 bpp TIFF files (Pro edition) - Preserve EXIF data Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?bqesfmcjgjt[/url] Portraiture Portraiture eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by-pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. It intelligently smoothens and removes imperfections while preserving skin texture and other important portrait details such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc. Portraiture Plug-in Features - Automatic skin smoothing - Skin tones mask - Bracketing and Multiple previews - Available for Windows and Mac OS X Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/46250360/portr101Imagplug.rar[/url] RealGrain RealGrain features versatile methods for simulating the grain patterns, the color and the tonal response of different films and different scan resolutions to convey a truly film-like image effect. RealGrain Plug-in Features - Grain simulation of Color and B&W films - Tone, Color and Split toning controls - Bracketing and Multiple previews - Available for Windows and Mac OS X Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.rslp.uni.cc/download.php?46251026&RealGrnImag101.rar[/url] OR [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FFI9S333[/url] |
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حادي عشر
TWISTING PIXELS Code: [url]www.twistingpixels.com[/url] ArtStudioPro Bundle Convert photos into a WATER COLOR PAINTING or DRAWING! ArtStudioPro Volume 1 Natural-looking Artistic Media. It's easy to create a natural-looking media by simply loading an image and choosing an effect media such as Colored Pencil, Crayon, Marker, Technical Pen or Watercolor. ArtStudioPro is designed to increase your productivity by doing most of the work for you. ArtStudoPro Volume 1 includes: Colored Pencil, Crayon, Marker, Technical Pen, & Watercolor. Supporting Effects: Colored Pencil Brush, Colored Pencil Fill, Colored Pencil Inside, Colored Pencil Outside, Colored Pencil Outline, Colored Pencil Shade Outline, Crayon Brush, Crayon Inside, Crayon Outside, Marker Brush, Marker Outside, Marker Strokes, Paper Texture, Restore Original, Technical Pen Brush, Technical Pen Outline, Underlayment, Watercolor Base, Watercolor Blend Strokes, Watercolor Brush, Watercolor Details, Watercolor Dry Strokes, Watercolor Wash, & Watercolor Wet Strokes. Convert photos into an OIL PAINTING Impression! ArtStudioPro Volume 2 Natual-Looking Artistic Media. Convert your image into an oil or chalk impression. It's easy! Simply load an image, choose an artistic effect, such as Oil Painting, Oil Pastel, Chalk, Charcoal or Finger Painting, then watch as your image is "brushed" into a work of art. Presets are available for instant results. ArtStudoPro Volume 2 includes: Oil Painting, Oil Pastel, Chalk, Charcoal & Finger Painting. Supporting Effects: Chalk Outline, Chalk Smudge, Charcoal Outline, Charcoal Smudge, Oil Pastel Details, Oil Color, Oil Details & Oil Brush. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/54803508/TwistingPixels.ArtStudioPro.Bundle.v1.30.Win_by-sameer.rar[/url] Pass: [url]www.warezgarden.com[/url] PixelCreation Bundle PixelCreation is a powerhouse of 19 Visual and Tonal Enhancement Filters. This suite is designed to allow the user to create fabulous fluffy clouds, spectacular constellations, and celestial skies with easy to use tools that allow precise placement in areas you want them. Whether you want a classy portfolio piece, attention grabbing enhancements, or an artistic masterpiece--PixelCreation has the power and tools to help you! PixelCreation includes: Altocumulus, Aura, Celestial Shapes, Color Intensity, Colorize Brush, Constellation, Cumulus Nimbus, Glint, Luminescent Brush, Milkyway, MoonGlow, MoonRing, Northern Lights, StarryNight, Sratus, Tonal Blur, Tonal Intensity, Tonal Sharpness, & Vibrancy. PixelPaper features a collection of 15 Realistic Paper Effects allowing users to fold, crumple, crinkle, curl and bend pieces of paper, while controlling lighting and textures. Pixel Paper also provides you with layers for combining effects, as well as presets for quick results. PixelPaper includes: Acid, Bend, Border, Burn, Corrosion, Crinkle, Crumple, Crunch, Curl, Edge, Fold, GrainStrips, Rip, Watercolor, & Wave. PixelPack is a dynamite collection of 10 Incredible Visual Effect Filters. These amazing filters will give character to your design. Extrude type, add cup stains, stamp a message with LabelMaker, or create 3-d translucent or solid buttons for your graphic or web project. PixelPack includes: Extrude, LabelMaker, RockCandy, Stain,Mosaic, Ceramic Tile, Bevel Pro, Postage Stamp, Rubber Stamp & Texturizer. PixelSampler 9 FREE Film-Style Filters This suite is a truly revolutionary concept in that it brings 9 incredible photography filters to any design project, while being completely free for the end user. A truly extraordinary value! PixelPack includes: Black & White, Contrasting Levels, Duotone, Grain, Monotone, Starlight, Starpoint, & Warm Cool. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?5bvm51vkvx4[/url] OR This second version doesn't check the serials once online... Thanks to VGA for cracking this second one... Protected Message: Code: Install this version: [url]http://www.zshare.net/download/507881725dc116/[/url] Use this crack: [url]http://www.zshare.net/download/50788568aff202/[/url] Use these serials: PixelCreation: A622966FF8A4078D PixelPack: 66FD686E2463AD0F PixelPaper: 37479BDAEA213284 |
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اثنى عشر
DIGITAL FILM TOOLS Code: [url]www.digitalfilmtools.com[/url] 55mm 55mm is now part of the Tiffen Dfx Digital Filter Suite distributed exclusively through the Tiffen company. Glass camera filter simulation, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, matte generation, exacting color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/46515273/DFT55mm75.rar[/url] OR [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1383513[/url] Digital Film Lab Digital Film Lab is now part of the Tiffen Dfx Digital Filter Suite distributed exclusively through the Tiffen company. The ultimate film look plug-in transforms crisp, harsh looking video into the softer, more organic look of film using the included 135 preset film looks. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?c5jmjxidew2[/url] EZ Mask EZ Mask is an easy to use interactive image masking tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image--even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. This extraction process creates what is known as a mask--essentially a black and white cutout. White mask areas are extracted, black areas not, and gray areas in between represent a level of transparency. Once a mask is extracted, the foreground object can be seamlessly composed onto a new background in Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as well as apply filter and image corrections only within the area defined by the mask. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/49248306/Digital_Film_Tools_EZ_Mask_v1.5_for_Adobe_Photoshop.7z[/url] Light! Light can be added to a scene where none existed before just as if you were adding light at the time of shooting. Realistic lighting and shadow is introduced using the entire pattern/ gobo library created by GAMPRODUCTS, INC. DIFFUSION, FILL LIGHT, FOG, GLOW | In addition to adding patterns to your images, Light! can also be used to add diffusion, fill light, fog and glow effects. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/49249358/Digital_Film_Tools_Light_v3.5_for_Adobe_Photoshop.7z[/url] Ozone Ozone is a unique Photoshop filter that allows photographers, designers, and artists to manipulate the color of an image with incredible flexibility and accuracy. Inspired by Ansel Adams's Zone System for still photography, Digital Film Tools has created "The Digital Zone System." To reproduce the infinite palette of colors, tones, and brightness of the world around us, the Digital Zone System takes the spectrum of image values and divides them into 11 discrete zones. With Ozone, the color and brightness of each zone can be independently adjusted until you've painted a new picture. All zones can be adjusted and viewed in context, and you don't have to commit to the adjustments until all zones are corrected. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.zoneup.com.ar/download.php?id=56CB1001[/url] Power Mask Power Mask is the first realtime, interactive tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image--even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. As you simply paint along the edge of the object to be extracted, either the mask or the final composite can be revealed instantly. This extraction process creates what is known as a mask--essentially a black and white cutout. White mask areas are extracted, black areas not, and gray areas in between represent a level of transparency. Once a mask is extracted, the foreground object can be seamlessly composed onto a new background in Adobe Photoshop as well as apply filter and image corrections only within the area defined by the mask. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?82mx2kg3nj4[/url] Power Stroke Designed with the creative workflow of digital photographers, graphic designers and artists in mind, Power Stroke introduces a simple, interactive stroke-based interface to quickly and intuitively perform targeted adjustments. Instead of meticulously selecting regions or handpainting masks, regions of interest are isolated by drawing a few simple brush strokes with adjustments then made only in those areas. Strokes can be assigned multiple corrections and effects such as color correction, recoloring or desaturation, colorization of black and white images, blur, fill light for dimly lit image areas and Diffusion/Glow. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?2gxvuwokfh2[/url] Snap Snap is an easy to use interactive image cutout tool designed to extract solid or opaque objects. Image cutout is the process of removing or isolating an object in a picture. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://www.digitalfilmtools.com/snap/downloads.htm[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/46467161/Digital.Film.Tools.Snap.v2.5.for.Adobe.Photoshop.SCOTCH.zip.html[/url] zMatte zMatte is a full-featured keyer that is the result of our experience in creating hundreds of successful blue and green screen composites. Using proprietary matte extraction techniques, zMatte quickly and simply creates mattes with minimal parameters even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. It is easy to use, yet provides the needed tools when faced with good, bad, or ugly shots - tools such as multiple matte creation, automatic spill suppression, sophisticated matte and edge manipulation, and color correction. The set of plug-ins includes: * Deartifact * Light Wrap * Edge * Matte Generator * Holdout * Matte Repair * Keyer Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/46730918/matte_P.rar[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
ثالث عشر
ANDROMEDA SOFTWARE, INC. Code: [url]www.andromeda.com[/url] Artistic Screening Tools Collection Award winning plug-ins for mezzotints and engraving. Includes: Series 3 Screens, Cutline and EtchTone. About Series 3 Screens: Converts gray-scale into a wide variety of different line art screens from 15 to 400 lines per inch featuring mezzotints, sharp contrast mezzograms, mezzoblends, ellipses, lines, circles, spokes, waves or any blended combination. A 5 star, World Class Winner! About Cutline: The Andromeda Cutline Filter for digital engraving and woodcuts has four screens uniquely suited for exceptional hand engraved and woodcut effects. Specific tools allow for positioning and adjustment of directional screen lines. About EtchTone: Continuous Tone Art - Andromeda has developed a unique process for simulating the look of a steel etch starting with gray/color photograph or illustration. The resulting etched continuous tone output resembles age old printing that just softens the harshness of the solid black and white etching. All 3 of these filters are Mac OS X/9.x and Win compatible. Graphics Design Resources Collection No other creative plug-ins have these features. Includes: Series 2 Three-D Luxe, Series 4 Techtures, Shadow and Velociraptor . About Series 2 Three-D Luxe: The best 3-D plug in for quality rendering. Expands the functionality of it's predecessor (Series 2) to include texture wrapping and combining images from Photoshop using textures and new features within the Filter. Add the new dropout, texturing and combine features to your imported image; or create a whole new one. New features include Stressed, Riveted, Aged, Mesh, and Alien sculpted surfaces. Combine 3D textures, 3D surface and your input photo. Adjust the contribution from each layer for phenomenal effects… About Series 4 Techtures: Techtures offers over 500 hand rendered tiles which can be modified using "engines" within the filter and dozens of instant special effects: Smoke, Stars, Explosions, Water Droplets, Lightening, Embossing, and dimensional and environmental texturing. About Shadow: No other shadowing plug-in has these features: Natural soft edges and Blurring, Drop and Cast shadows imposed on a Moveable Plane, Multiple Shadowing with Four Moveable Lights, Perspective Shadows with a Virtual Camera and Stereo 3D Viewing. About Velociraptor: Wildly Different Motion Trails - You'll notice the difference when you create your first motion trail. Velociraptor is the only plug-in filter that allows the user to create stylized motion trails that can Arc, Bounce, Cascade, Converge, Curve, Decline, Diminish, Jolt, Jitter, Loop, Spiral, Spring, Streak, Trail, or Wave. All 4 of these filters are Mac 9.x only and Win compatible. Photographic Tools & Lens Effects Collection Boost productivity in your digital darkroom with this powerful collection of creative tools from Andromeda. Includes: RedEyePro, ScatterLight Lenses, LensDoc, Perspective and VariFocus About RedEyePro: A direct and easy method of redeye removal for Photoshop users. Red-eye is caused by light reflected off the subject’s retina when a flash picture is taken in low light. While some cameras offer red-eye reduction as a feature, it can only reduce the problem, not eliminate it. RedEyePro provides an easy and effective redeye tool for image professionals. About ScatterLight Lenses: Professional Digital Lenses for Scattering Light - The ScatterLight Lenses produce a broad scope of realistic patterned and diffusion lens effects ranging from subtle soft focus effects most often seen in professional portraiture and landscapes, to more dramatic effects that scatter and focus light over the brightest areas of an image. About LensDoc: A universal solution to lens distortions - A Photoshop compatible plug-in that corrects barreling and pincushioning distortions in your photos which are produced by many zoom and wide angle lenses. LensDoc also allows you to make simple perspective and rotational adjustments. Use the easy step by step Novice interface, or Professional level Expert Mode. Identify curved lines that should be straight and place the target points, LensDoc does the rest. About Perspective: View and manipulate your image through our "lens" - A unique Photoshop compatible plug-in that uses a camera paradigm to introduce or enhance depth or perspective distortions in your images. Change and conform multiple images or text characters. Use factory presets with a visual interface or create your own. A quick and intuitive perspective tool. About VariFocus: This depth of field effect is an Andromeda developed variable defocusing technology. Focus on an area by using our aperture masks or import your own. Distort, shift and save masks. Use the positive and negative unsharp masking controls before you apply focus/defocus to sharpen your image or to create a special effect. All 5 of these filters are Mac OS X/9.x and Win compatible. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/41908141/andromeda_by_mechodownload.rar[/url] Pass: mechodownload ScatterLight Lenses v1.2 Professional digital lenses for scattering light! The ScatterLight Lenses produce a broad scope of realistic patterned and diffusion lens effects. These lens effects range from subtle soft focus effects most often seen in professional portraiture and landscapes, to more dramatic effects that scatter and focus light over the brightest areas of an image. optical ScatterLight Lenses has 4 distinct effects categories: * Dream Optics - Gently pulls and scatters light from highlighted areas to create dreamy highlights throughout the image. * * SoftFocus - For softening and refining portraits. Various optical lens patterns provide professional soft focus effects that can range from subtle to dramatic. * * SoftDiffuser - Softener for images to add diffusion or fog. The plug-in offers optical lens patterns to vary density. * * StarLight - Focuses light over the brightest areas of your image to create a starlight effect. The plug-in offers many different optical lens patterns. Protected Message: Code: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/74496085/andromeda-scatterlight.rar[/url] OR [url]http://w15.easy-share.com/11730731.html[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
اسفه على اللغه الانجليزيه لكن صعب عليا اشرحها بالعربي كثير مصطلحات ما اعرفها بالعربي لكن متمكنه منها بالانجليزي
طولوا بالكم عليا يعني :) :) |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
رابع عشر
Abstract Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1015224[/url] Fractal brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1015212[/url] Fractal brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1015137[/url] Fractal brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1015062[/url] Heraldry brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1023838[/url] Abstract Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1023798[/url] Japanese Kanji - Hiragana Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1023778[/url] Star Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1016640[/url] Cats Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1015262[/url] Wacky Race for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1015248[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
Horses brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1024004[/url] Tentacles brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1023996[/url] Industrial Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1023867[/url] Masking Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1023849[/url] New York brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1039749[/url] Music Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1039575[/url] Fractal Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1039384[/url] Balloons brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1039206[/url] Butterflies brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1028704[/url] Worm brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1144576[/url] Back to top darko Super Member Joined: 02 Feb 2007 Posts: 931 Location: Other side of the screen Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:20 am Post subject |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
Fractal Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1144237[/url] Graffiti brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1144152[/url] Leaf and Tree Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1143984[/url] Shoes Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1143852[/url] Mini Skirt Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1143749[/url] Abstract brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1143714[/url] Bats brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1143679[/url] Fancy Chandeliers brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1143603[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
كل هذي توابع الفوتوشوب
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> تكرهه موووووووووووووووت :) :) Eyelashes brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1143572[/url] Flower brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132971[/url] Architecture brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1132922[/url] Astrology brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132905[/url] Music brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132897[/url] Mycenae Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132849[/url] Krakow Brushes #2 for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132789[/url] Industrial Plugs and Wires brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132702[/url] Book brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132611[/url] Hair brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132530[/url] Hair Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132520[/url] Birds brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132364[/url] Medical garb brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132095[/url] Formulas brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1132057[/url] Phoenix Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1131977[/url] Swirl Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131881[/url] Tree Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131842[/url] Japan Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131826[/url] Hearts brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131777[/url] Shapes Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131759[/url] Crazy Land Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131728[/url] Assorted Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131660[/url] Eye Lashes brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131596[/url] Hair brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131549[/url] Deep Space Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131398[/url] Rose Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131378[/url] Planet Brushes for Adobe Photoshop #2 Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/files/1131335[/url] Planet Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131315[/url] Flowers brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131207[/url] Athens Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131123[/url] |
رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه
فوتو شوب Gothic brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131057[/url] Clow Cards Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1131054[/url] Beautiful Clouds Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1130916[/url] Lighting Effects Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1130914[/url] Sweets and Cakes Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1109379[/url] Chocolate Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1109364[/url] Sun Vector Shapes brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1109355[/url] Handprint Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1109292[/url] Heart Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1109275[/url] Butterflys Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1109258[/url] Asia Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106637[/url] CuttleFish Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106571[/url] Tribal brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106552[/url] Flower Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106496[/url] Wolfs Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106433[/url] Lotus and Flower Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106387[/url] Instruments Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106299[/url] Geisha Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1106244[/url] Fire brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1105576[/url] Decorative swirls brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1105327[/url] Sumi-e Style Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1105033[/url] Oriental Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1104895[/url] Wings brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1104634[/url] Swirls-Flourishes II Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1104603[/url] Female Silhouette brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1092636[/url] Random Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1092602[/url] Skulls brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1092497[/url] Ornamental Shapes Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1088122[/url] Leafy Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1088059[/url] Prague Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1088004[/url] Butterfly/flower brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1087975[/url] Promise Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1087934[/url] Dragons brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1076904[/url] Leftovers brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1076864[/url] Mythology brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1076806[/url] XVIII Century Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1076775[/url] London Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1072241[/url] Musical Instrument Brushes for Adobe Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1072011[/url] Victorian Ornaments II brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1068543[/url] Decay Brushes for Photoshop Protected Message: Code: [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1068497[/url] |
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