عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 16-12-2007, 03:31 AM   رقم المشاركة : 23
العيناء العامريه
وردة الفطاحله

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :العيناء العامريه غير متواجد حالياً


افتراضي رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه


اهيء ........ اهيئ ............ اهيئ ............



Page Curl Pro 2.2

AV Bros. Page Curl Pro 2.2 is the filter plug-in (8bf) for Adobe® Photoshop® and compatible hosts.

This plug-in has the ALL NEW and unrivalled engine that lets you not only bend the image, using two types of bending (curling and folding), but also texturize it (using the bump maps), orient it in 3D space (including the perspective distortions) and obtain total control over the process of lighting the image (including the option of dropping inner shadows).

We consider AV Bros. Page Curl Pro 2.2 as the multi-purpose plug-in that may be used not only as the page bender, but also as the Texturizer, Lighting lab, etc.

The User Interface of AV Bros. Page Curl Pro 2.2 is extremely convenient and has some unique features that make your work with the plug-in both very efficient and pleasant at the same time.

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Puzzle Pro 2.2

AV Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.2 is an extremely high quality, powerful and flexible filter plug-in (8bf) for Adobe® Photoshop® and compatible hosts.

Puzzle Pro 2.2 greatly increases your creativity and productivity and thanks to both the superb engine and the convenient graphic user interface it gives you absolute control over the process of creating the desired effect. And although AV Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.2 is targeted to help you create a jig-saw puzzle effect, it also produces a plethora of various high quality image effects.

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Next four files are scripts, not plugins, but are very useful.
These are free but I put them here so that it's a collection:

Circumscriber 1.1

AV Bros. Circumscriber 1.1 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher.

Our script is completely free and is targeted to help you quickly and easily circumscribe a circle (as the selection) around either two (2) or three (3) specified points.

Despite the simplicity of AV Bros. Circumscriber 1.1, it provides several possibilities that make the utility useful and a very good timesaver.

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Collector 1.0

AV Bros. Collector 1.0 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher.

This, completely free, script is targeted to help you quickly and easily collect various documents into a single Adobe Photoshop multi-layered document. (Each document is placed on a separate layer.)

The utility is a very good timesaver. Moreover, despite the fact that AV Bros. Collector 1.0 is a simple script, it provides several possibilities that make the utility truly useful.

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The next two scripts are not free:

Draftsman 1.2

AV Bros. Draftsman 1.2 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher.

Using this script you can quickly and easily create a constant and/or variable repetitious linear structure (grid) that consists of either vertical and/or horizontal lines. The grid is created as the selection.

We believe that one of the most boring and time-wasting of Photoshop's routines (preparing the various grids) has become easy and fast, as it has never been before, thanks to our utility's convenient user interface and the plethora of adjustments.

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GuideMaster 1.2

AV Bros. GuideMaster 1.2 is an Adobe® Photoshop® JavaScript utility and can only be used with Adobe Photoshop CS and higher.

The script is targeted to help you quickly and easily create the desired guides' layout or, in other words, to place the guides in the desired places.

Thanks to the plethora of adjustments and the utility's convenient user interface, one of the most boring and time wasting of Photoshop's routines (the placing of a large number of guides in the appropriate places) has become easy and fast as it has never been before.

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