عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 16-12-2007, 03:34 AM   رقم المشاركة : 24
العيناء العامريه
وردة الفطاحله

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :العيناء العامريه غير متواجد حالياً


افتراضي رد: ابشروووا اطلبوا اي سيريال او كراك او برنامج تبونه

خااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااامسا

ربنا ينهيها على خير



Fluid Mask v2.0.3

Fluid Mask 2 is designed for photographers, image editors, graphic designers and all those who take digital image editing seriously.

In a streamlined interface and workflow, Fluid Mask 2 instantly shows key edges in the image and provides comprehensive easy to use tools that work with difficult-to-see edges and tricky areas like trees & lattices.
Fluid Mask promises:

Fastest masking available today - from loading to final cut-out. Turn hours of tedious work into something that's short to complete and fun to do...

The best edge cutting technology available.

Quick and easy to pick up, Fluid Mask 2 offers an intuitive workflow. Check out the edge guides that makes selecting the cut-out as easy as coloring by numbers and the always visible interactive help.

Amazing edge quality. Always thought the pen tool makes cut-outs look a bit too artificial and clean? Now Fluid Mask 2 takes blending to a new level by preserving the edge data. In the final result, natural edge blur and contour is preserved for the best, most authentic cut-outs ever.

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Fluid Mask 3

New Features in V3:

Highlight new key features are:
Localized edge detection and blending – for faster workflow
Faster initial image processing – up to 40%
bullet Better edge blending
bullet New look application – full screen / no desktop visible
bullet Localize problem areas for greater workflow enhancement
bullet Great new tools for fine mask selections
bullet Best of breed Help – now there’s an innovative in-application Tool Tips box with links to application based xml help files and tutorials

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